No Ledge Left to Love by Dylan Krieger
Ping-Pong Free Press and Poet Republik Ltd. are proud to announce the publication of No Ledge Left to Love by Dylan Krieger. Winner of the Ping-Pong Free Press poetry prize 2018. Award-winning poet and translator Brian Henry served as judge.
Praise for Dylan Krieger:
New York Times Review of books: “Dylan Krieger’s “Giving Godhead” will be the best collection of poetry to appear in English in 2017.”
We here at Ping-Pong Free Press believe No Ledge Left to Love will be the best collection of 2018.
Dylan Krieger’s No Ledge Left to Love is a book of delirious delights. Cutting across time(s) to fashion a visceral, necessarily disturbing tour of thought experiments and philosophical constructs, Krieger writes with an audacious yet sobering energy. Rife with vertiginous wordplay and transgressive intent, these are poems “for the savagesphere or wherever next we might emerge after a thousand years cocooning in our eyelashes and sticky furs.”
Brian Henry, contest judge, author of 10 books of poetry, most recently, Static and Snow.
“In No Ledge Left To Love, Dylan Krieger deftly ricochets between the philosophical and the grotesque through powerfully direct prose poems that retain hypnotically lyric lines. Smart, visceral, and relentless, Krieger breathlessly hacks at the bloated body of western reason and—through a parade of mouths, derelict deities, and rivers of goo—keeps one hand extended, inviting us to the dance.”
Janaka Stucky’s poetry collection, The Truth Is We Are Perfect, was chosen by Jack White’s newly-fledged imprint, Third Man books as their inaugural title.
Purchase here:
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for textbook orders go to: pingpongfreepress (at) gmail (dot) com