A Cínepoem in One Act: The Revolution Will Have its Sky
Part III of the Revolution Trilogy: The Cinepoem, The Revolution Will Have its Sky, is part of the official selection:
2024- Poetry Film Festival, Beyond Baroque, Venice, California
2024-Winner! The New Arts International Film Festival, London, England @naiffglobal
Nature and Culture International Poetry Film Festival
November 25th, 2023/Copenhagen, Denmark and can be viewed here: https://poeticphonotheque.com/videos/poetry-films-2023/
Birmingham International Art Film Festival, December 9, 2023.
ReVoSky has also been selected for inclusion in the International Fotogenia Film and Poetry Festival
It is also part of the official selection for the
Ambrose Bye: Original Score
Natalia Gaia: Cinematography
Maria Garcia Teutsch: Writer/Director