The Revolution Will Have its Sky
Written and Directed by: Maria Garcia Teutsch
–a poem in one act
Studio Apelbaum/Friedrichstraße 67/Quartier 205/Berlin
Part II of the Revolution Will Have Its Sky Trilogy
Read more: The Revolution Will Have its Sky
…how do we learn a new verb for mercy?
The Revolution Will Have its Sky is a play and a poem and in that sense it already defies many boundaries. What it says continues the radical pushing of the nomos, and enacts a revolutionary poetics. The dialogue itself comes to the audience in a form like zen koans. Each battle of bon mots that occurs onstage between the characters is juxtaposed in the audience’s mind with the very real battle occurring offstage. This furthers the purpose of the revolutionary poetics that are being advanced in the play. By having the poetic life and revolutionary life symbolically linked with each other through isomorphic stagecraft, a cognitive link is formed in the mind of the audience between revolutionary praxis and poetic praxis. THE POET’S lines of verse—and her ability to pronounce and shape verse—have not only condemned her to her lashing, but to a greater ideological process: the freedom of the multitude and the self-actualization of the individual. But in that quest, the poet must wrestle with the idea of pacifism in the face of brutality and injustice in a cruel system that favors bombs over words.
—River Atwood Tabor
The characters as FIGURAS
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