Ping-Pong: Art and Literature for the brain

Ping•Pong literary journal published our last issue in 2015. It is an issue featuring artists both rare and beautiful. I went on to found Ping-Pong Free Press because human rights depend upon a free press.
The work published in Ping-Pong seeks that same vitality. It seeks it in art, with the works of such luminaries as Portland, Oregon’s Susan Harlan. It seeks it in all forms of writing: fiction, poetry, non-fiction, plays, even in new forms, such as David Larsen’s “neo-benshi”, a poem/play intended to be read to a scene from the movie Troy.
Thus American writers who exist, as Miller did for so much of his career, just under the radar of the mainstream literary world, are represented in Ping-Pong; writers like Ilya Kaminsky, Anne Waldman, Timothy Liu, Lina Vitkauskas, Mark Lamoureux, Sesshu Foster, and K. Silem Mohammad.
The work in Ping-Pong is similarly not written for the market, but for the ages. It is challenging, it asks much of its reader. It’s not easy. It is, though, a vital continuation, and contribution, to Henry Miller’s literary legacy.
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